
D-半乳糖-1-^(13)C的合成与表征 被引量:1

Synthesis and Characterization of D-Galactose-1-^(13)C
摘要 以硝基甲烷-13 C为原料合成D-半乳糖-1-13 C。采用分离中间体硝基糖醇的方式,简便拆分差向异构体D-半乳糖和D-塔罗糖,合成产物的总产率为42.6%,13 C丰度为99.1%,光学纯度为100%,化学纯度为99.7%。以高效液相色谱-蒸发散射光检测器(HPLC-ELSD)、液相色谱-质谱联用仪(LC-MS)和核磁共振(1 H NMR)对所得产物进行结构表征,确定产物结构为D-半乳糖-1-13 C。 D-Galactose-1-13C was synthesized with nitromethane-13C as starting material.The separation was performed of the epimers of nitro-D-Galactitol and nitro-D-talitol,which resulted in D-Galactose being obtained and the resolution of the epimers of D-Galactose and D-taltose being avoidance.D-Galactose-1-13C was characterized by HPLC-ELSD,LC-MS and 1H NMR.The fine structure and 13C abundance of it were done by LC-MS and 1H NMR.The yield of 13C-labeled D-Galactose was 42.6% with 99.1% 13C abundance,100.0% optical purity and 99.7% chemical purity.
机构地区 上海化工研究院
出处 《同位素》 CAS 2012年第4期219-227,共9页 Journal of Isotopes
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划项目(2008AA02Z427)
关键词 D-半乳糖-1-13C 合成 13C标记 D-Galactose-1-13C synthesis 13C-labeled
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