
影响网络信息安全的组织因素辨识 被引量:1

Discrimination of Organization Factors Influencing Network Information Security
摘要 影响网络信息安全的组织因素主要有组织目标、组织结构、组织管理、安全文化和培训,运用问卷调查采集数据,使用探索性因子分析对影响网络信息安全的组织因素进行识别,并应用验证性因子分析方法予以验证。结果显示:安全文化与组织目标、组织管理、组织结构的相关性,组织管理与培训、组织结构之间的相关性均较强。这种相关性突出了安全文化和组织管理对网络信息安全的重要性。 The research discusses organizational factors which possibly trigger the problem of network information security. By collecting data from questionnaire survey, adopting exploratory factor analysis to discriminate the organizational factor, and using structural equation modeling to confirm these factors, it is concluded that safety culture is closely connected with organization goal, organization management and organization structure. Also, the results show organization management has a strong connection with orientation and organization structure. The dependency underlines the importance of safety culture and organization management.
出处 《南华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第6期58-62,共5页 Journal of University of South China(Social Science Edition)
基金 衡阳市社会科学基金项目"网络信息安全的组织因素研究--以衡阳市为例"资助(编号:2010D009) 湖南省教育厅科研基金项目"基于任务上下文的信息检索多维匹配研究"资助(编号:11C1098)
关键词 网络信息安全 组织因素 结构方程 network information security organizational factor structural equation
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