

The Curriculum System Design of Network Administrator Based on "Platform + Position"
摘要 基于工作过程导向的课程体系开发是当前高职院校培养技能型应用性人才的重要手段,本文依据《网络管理员》岗位"建网"、"管网"及"用网"等职业能力的培养目标与"平台+岗位"的理念,阐述了《网络管理员》岗位课程体系的构建设计。 The development of curriculum system based on work process - oriented is an important means of higher vocational colleges to train skilled application of talent. According to the network administrator professional a- bility goals of "building network", "managing network" and "using network", and the concept of "platform + po-sition", in this paper, we design the position curriculum system of network administrator.
作者 刘建华
出处 《九江职业技术学院学报》 2012年第4期34-36,共3页 Journal of Jiujiang Vocational and Technical College
关键词 高职 平台+岗位 计算机网络技术 网络管理员 higher vocational education platform + position computer network technology network administrator
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