5 %锐劲特悬浮剂 60 0ml/hm2 和 45 0ml/hm2 在水稻破口期喷施 ,防治三化螟兼治稻纵卷叶螟及稻飞虱的效果优于 5 %锐劲特 3 0 0ml/hm2 +90 %敌百虫原粉 12 0 0g/hm2 、5 %锐劲特 2 2 5ml/hm2 +90 %敌百虫原粉 12 0 0g/hm2 及 18%杀虫双水剂 45 0 0ml/hm2 +10 %一遍净WP3 0 0g/hm2 处理。从成本与效果综合考虑 。
The chemical efficiency of 600ml/hm 2 and 450ml/hm 2 5% Regent separately sprayed in ears emergence was better than that of spraying 300ml/hm 2 5% Regent and 1200g/hm 2 902% Digterex or 225ml/hm 2 5% Regent etc. in the prevention and cure of paddy borer and rice leaf folder and planthopper. It was proper to use the mixture of Regent and Digterex in consideration of the cost and effectiveness.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences