
中国崛起下的印日活跃外交分析 被引量:1

Analysis of India-Japan Active Diplomacy with the Rise of China
摘要 在中国崛起的背景下,美国强化对中国周边国家的影响,提出重返亚洲战略。印度面对亚洲秩序的变动和中国的崛起,其外交中的对华因素加大。印度与日本都有借助对方力量制衡中国、扩大地缘政治和地缘经济影响力的迫切愿望,双方在诸多问题上一拍即合,找到了利益的结合点。印度在变动的世界舞台上努力实现其世界强国之梦。然而,我们对印日关系的迅速升温还要理性观察和辩证分析。 With the rise of China, the United States strengthens the impact on the neighboring countries of China and proposes " Return to Asia" strategy. Facing the change of orders in Asia and the rise of China, India has enhanced the policy to China in his foreign policy. Both India and Japan desire to constraint China with the force from each other to expand their influence on both geopolitics and geoeconomics. Both side discover their juncture of benefits and make such an intense connection on several aspects. India makes great efforts to carry his dream of strengthening country on the changeable world stage, however, we should have a rational observation and dialectical analysis of the rapid warming of the relationship between India and Japan.
作者 卫灵
机构地区 中国政法大学
出处 《大理学院学报(综合版)》 CAS 2013年第1期85-88,共4页 Journal of Dali University
基金 北京市重点学科研究项目(MKSZYZGH10-6) 中国政法大学人文社科研究项目(11ZFG81001)
关键词 中国崛起 印日外交 亚太秩序 the rise of China India-Japan diplomacy Asian-pacific order
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