目的分析白云区2011年法定传染病的流行情况,为制定传染病防治对策提供科学依据。方法用描述性流行病学方法(现况研究)对白云区法定传染病疫情报告资料进行分析。结果 2011年白云区无甲类传染病报告;乙类传染病报告发病19种11047例,年报告发病率为497.02/10万;丙类传染病报告发病10种14703例,年报告发病率为661.51/10万。2011年白云区法定传染病发病居前3位的疾病依次为手足口病(434.52/10万)、病毒性肝炎(221.90/10万)、肺结核(168.63/10万)。按发病系统分,发病最高的是肠道传染病(占50.51%),第二是血源及性传播传染病(占26.40%),第三是呼吸道传染病(占21.88%)。传染病总体发病男性高于女性;高发年龄组在0~1岁;高发月份在5~7月。结论传染病防治工作重点是要加大肠道和血源及性传播疾病的防治与监测,加强呼吸道传染病的防治力度;加强对手足口病、病毒性肝炎、肺结核等发病率较高的传染病的预防控制工作;加强对重点人群的健康教育。
Objective The analysis of 2011 statutory infectious disease report for Baiyun District aimed to provide scientific basis on prevention and control of infectious disease. Methods This analysis was through the method of descriptive epidemiology(current status of research)to obtain the result. Results 2011 statutory infectious disease report included zero report of class A infectious disease.19 class B reports with 11047 cases,the incidence rate by 497.02 per 100 thousands in annual report.lO class C reports with 14 703 cases,the incidence rate by 661.51 per 100 thousands in annual report.The top 3 statutory infectious diseases in Baiun district in 2011 was hand foot mouth disease (rate: 434.52/100 000),viral hepatitis disease (rate:221.90/100 000), and pulmonary tuberculosis disease (rate: 168.63/100 000). According to the incidence system, the No.l was intestinal infectious diseases that accounts for 50.51%,the second was blood and sexually transmitted disease for 26.40%,and the third was infectious disease of respiratory tract for 21.88%. Regarding the overall incidence rate of infectious disease, men was higher than women,the high frequency peak age was zero to one year,and the peak time was from May to July. Conclusion The key on prevention and control work of infectious disease is to increase control and monitoring on intestinal and blood-borne and sexually disease, enhance prevention on respiratory tract infectious disease, strengthen pre-control on hand foot and mouth disease, viral hepatitis, pulmonary tuberculosis and other higher incidence of infectious disease, and as well as the healthy education for key groups.
China Medicine And Pharmacy
Infectious diseases
Epidemic situation
Prevention and control