历届展会上,总有些活跃的音符奏出展会的最强音.而挖掘机无疑是其中不折不扣的重要贡献者,bauma China 2012也不例外。又是一年盛会时。尽管2012年经济低迷带来行业不景气,尽管展前就已获悉小松、日立建机、神钢、住友、玉柴等企业缺席,但是一贯创造奇迹的bauma China依然给我们带来了很多惊喜:绿色节能环保依然唱响主旋律,大吨位矿用挖机渐成趋势,卡特携新品强势回归,民族品牌崛起势不可挡。
There are alwayls some lively notes play ictus in exhibition, and excavators is one of the most important contributors in it, bauma China 2012 is no exception. Although the economic downturn and industry is stagnant in the year of 2012, although we have known that Komatsu, Hitachi, Yuchai and other enterprises are absent before the exhibition, but consistently create miracle bauma China still brings us a lot of surprise: green energy-saving environmental protection still play the main melody, large tonnage mine excavators have gradually become the trend, Caterpillar return with new products and national brands to be grow up which cannot be halted the rise.
Construction Machinery