Galtung (1998a) held that there are two ways of covering a conflict: the low road and the high road; each road is different in focus. The first is called war journalism and the second is called peace journalism. Based on this, a specialized journalism model on conflict coverage was created: peace journalism. The principles and actions of this model could be used to analyze the making of news that responds to the criteria of peace journalism. In other words, they can be applied in two separate ways, either as tools for the analysis of information on conflicts or as guidelines to create new information. This article focuses on the first approach, the content analysis, to determine if the analyzed news is oriented to either War journalism or peace journalism, according to what peace journalism proposes. The author cares about how the ideology influence in this point. The author analyzed three major newspapers, on its online version: The New York Times, USA; La Jornada, M6xico, and El Mundo, Spain. The first two could be considered left-wing newspapers and the last one is right-wing oriented. The issues covered by the newspapers were the Mexican government war against drugs principally, and issues related with the war against drugs in the world. The results show that the newspaper who scored best and was located within the standards of peace journalism is El Mundo.