
根层调控:果类蔬菜高效利用养分的关键 被引量:10

Rhizosphere Management:the Key to Get High Nutrient Use Efficiency for Fruit Vegetable
摘要 集约化设施蔬菜生产中水肥投入远高于作物的需求,生产上为了实现根层充足的水肥供应,导致氮素过量投入、损失比例高、磷钾在土壤中明显积累,生理性缺素日趋严重。优质高效蔬菜生产的关键是在健康良好生长环境下根层合理的水肥供应,在保证作物生长前提下尽量减少不必要的养分损失。本研究总结了实现优质高产高效蔬菜生产的根层养分调控关键,即必须考虑到土壤溶液养分浓度、形态和养分离子间的平衡;减少水分渗漏并保持水分和养分空间一致的原则。结合土壤环境的增温、增施高碳氮比有机肥或秸秆进行土壤调理等措施,促进蔬菜根系发育、提高作物抗性和养分吸收效率,在设施生产中有机肥和化肥养分需采取"总量控制、分期调控",氮素采取"少量多次、近根施用、水肥耦合"原则;磷钾养分采用"作物需求和土壤肥力维持"相结合的总量控制原则,中微量元素"因缺矫正"原则,通过根层调控实现水肥资源的高效利用和设施菜田的可持续发展。 The input of water and fertilizer are far more than the crop demand in intensive greenhouse vegetable production.To meet sufficient supply of water and fertilizer in the root zone,the high input always lead to high N loss,obvious P and K accumulation in the soil,and physiological deficiency in crops are getting more serious.The keys to maintain high quality and efficiency in vegetable production is to maintain optimal water and fertilizer supply and keep healthy and good rhizosphere environment and to reduce unnecessary nutrient loss based on the crop growth.A summary of the keys to control high quality and efficiency vegetable production is presented:i.e.considering the nutrient balance concentration,form and nutrient ions in the root zone soil solution;reducing water leakage and maintaining water and nutrient spatially consistent.Combining with soil warming,applying the high C/N ratio manure or straw to regulate the soil can promote the root growing,improve crops resistance and nutrient absorption efficiency.The principle of applying the manure and chemical fertilizer in greenhouse production is controlling the total and regulation on stage;more times and less quality,application in rhizosphere and fertigation technology should be considered in N management;The constant monitoring rule of crop demand and maintain the soil fertility should be combined in P and K management;The principle of adjustment based on deficiency also should be adopt in secondary and micro-nutrients management.To achieve water and fertilizer high efficiency use and sustainable development of greenhouse vegetable,these principles and root zone management should be combined together.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第B12期292-297,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 现代农业产业技术体系果类蔬菜北京市创新团队土肥水岗位科学家项目 河北省农林科学院青年基金(A09130102) 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(200903011)
关键词 根层调控 临界养分供应 促根 养分高效 果类蔬菜 Rhizosphere management Critical nutrient supply Root-inducing High nutrient use efficiency Fruit vegetable
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