
宋代宗族发展的区域差异及其原因 被引量:1

The Regional Differences and Reasons of the Clan's Development in Song Dynasty
摘要 在唐宋变革的社会大背景下,宋代宗族处于明显的变动过程中。这种变动过程,在不同区域内又表现出各自的特点。北方地区传统上是宗族势力相对比较强的地区,但进入宋代,宗族形态相对松散,在新式宗族组织形态建设方面,明显落后于东南地区。其特点是:崇尚同居共财,注重亲族间的经济互助;祖先崇拜观念较强,注重宗族成员间的亲情关系;宗族关系与乡党关系相纠缠,血缘关系与其他社会关系相纠缠;富贵家庭在宗族中具有较强的号召力和凝聚力。东南地区在宋代"敬宗收族"宗族组织的建设方面表现突出,新的组织方式和手段不断涌现并得以迅速发展,比较明显地具有以下特点:宗族聚族而居比较明显;宗族公有财产建设成效显著,注重以经济手段收族;宗族组织手段较为齐备。四川地区由于特殊的地理位置和社会历史原因,在宗族发展方面有其自己的特点:宗族内部具有较强的人身依附关系;宗族注重在社会上的等级地位,有较强的门阀等级意识;宗族组织手段相对齐全。宗族发展的地区差异,其形成原因主要是唐中叶以来社会经济关系发展的不平衡,传统政治观念和社会习俗的影响,人口迁徙带来的多种影响以及地理环境和经济开发情况不同对宗族社会功能的不同要求。 The clan of Song Dynasty keeps on changing obviously against a social background of transformation in Tang and Song Dynasties, and this changing process has its own characteristics in different areas. Traditionally, clan strengths in northern regions are relatively strong. However, the Song Dynasty has witnessed the relatively loose patriarchal clan shape, and clearly lags behind the southeast district in the construction of modern clan' s organization form. The northern district is characterized by the clan men' s living together, sharing their possessions and paying attention to the economic cooperation a- mong the members of the same clan. Besides, their ideas of ancestor worship are stronger and lay stress on the relationship be- tween the members of the clan. What' s more, the clan relations have become entangled with those of countrymen relation, blood ties with other social relations. The noble families usually have a stronger appeal force and cohesive affinity in the clan. The southeast region has excelled in its clan construction of ' ancestors worship and cohesion of clan members' in Song Dynas- ty. Its new ways and means of organizing continue to spring up and develop quickly. Obviously, some characteristics are as follows. The clan men live together and they were particularly effective in public property construction, and attach importance to live in a community by means of economy. Moreover, the organizational means of clan are relatively complete. Because of special geographical position and social historical reasons, Sichuan region has its own characteristics in clan development.There is a strong relation of personal dependence within clan. The clan focuses on its social status and has a strong class con- sciousness of blue blood and relatively complete organization means. The main reasons for regional differences of clan develop- ment mainly lie in the imbalance of the development of social economic relations, and the influences of traditional political ide- as, social conventions, and migration as well as the different requests caused by geographical environment and economic devel- opment for clan' s social function since the middle of Tang Dynasty.
作者 王善军
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期91-102,共12页 Historical Research In Anhui
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地南开大学中国社会史研究中心重大招标项目<宋以后宗族形态的演进与社会变迁>的阶段性成果 项目编号为06JJD840008
关键词 宋代 宗族 区域差异 Song Dynasty clan regional differences
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  • 1苏辙:《栾城集》卷5《寄题蒲传正学士阆中藏书阁》,《苏辙集》,中华书局1990年版,第86页.










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