根据Paul Smart分类系统,将我系教师及同学历年来所采集的粉蝶标本进行了鉴定,分属于3个亚科,9属,19种。其中3种为我国和新疆的新记录,尚有数种待继续鉴定。为解决我国对粉蝶中文名称的混乱情况,本文拟定了一些新的中名。
Nineteen specises and their Chinese names which belong to three subfamilies and nine genus of the family Pieridae collected by students as well as teaching members of Xinjiang Aug. 1st Agricultural College are described and discussed respectirely in the present paper. They are listed as below: Subfamily Dismorphiinae 1. Genus Leptidea (1) Leptidea sinapis L. (2) L. serrata Lee Subfamily Pierinae 2. Genus Aporia Hubner (3) Aporia crataegi L (4) A. venata Leech 3. Genus Metaporia (5) Metaporia leucodica Eversmann 4. Genus Pieris Schrank (6) Pieris brassicae L. (7) P. rapae L. (8) P. napi L. (9) P. melete menetries (10) P. bryoriae Ochs.(New record in China and Xinjiang) 5. Genus Pontia Fabrici us (11) Pontia daplidice L. 6. Genus Synchloe Hubner (12) Synchloe callidice Esper. 7. Genus Anthocaris (13) Anthocaris cardamines L. Subfamily Coliadinae 8. Genus Gonopteryx (14) Gonopteryx rhamni L. 9. Genus Colias Fabricius (15) Colias hyale L. (16) C. erate Esp. (17) C. f ieldi Menetries (18) C. romanovi Gr-GRsh.(New record in China and Xinjiang) (19) C. croceus Foure(New record in China and Xinjiang)