

A Corpus-based Comparative Study of Evaluative Language in Chinese and English Linguistic Review Articles
摘要 以英语和汉语为母语的作者在综述类论文写作中各具特点。通过运用语料库手段对共40篇语言学类综述论文进行评价语言分析后,数据显示,综述类论文作者多采取介入手段表达自身观点,避免参与个人情感,以确保学术论文的客观性;此外,中文作者更多以多元化手段凸显其鉴赏能力,总体表达更委婉间接;英文作者更倾向于"借他人之言,发自己之声",表达更直接和坦率,论证了综述类期刊论文作者在评价语言的运用方面确实存在文化上的差异。 Review articles have been boasting constant attention in worldwide research community.In spite of its importance,genre analysis of review articles has not been picked up as a frequent topic,let alone the evaluation resources.With corpus tools,the article carried out an investigation between Chinese and English linguistic review articles and found some characteristics and differences.Chinese authors tend to attach higher importance to appreciation and employ a larger portion of Euphemism expressions.English authors are more candid and direct during evaluation and have more hetero-glossic employment to convey opinions.Results contribute to the conclusion that cultural differences between Chinese and English might be the reason to these charactertics.
作者 彭工 王琴
出处 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第1期122-125,共4页 Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
关键词 综述类期刊论文 评价系统 语料库 对比分析 review articles appraisal theory corpus contrastive studies
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