
云计算服务中客户感知价值模型和评价方法研究 被引量:4

Evaluation Model and Evaluation Method of Customer Perceived Value in the Cloud Computing Services
摘要 论文对云计算服务链中客户感知价值的主要特征进行分析,并借鉴参考加拿大IT产业服务部门的顾客感知价值表的分类方法,提出不确定云计算服务复杂环境下构成客户感知价值驱动因素对应的评价指标。然后,分析客户感知价值的形成过程,运用SE-RVQUAL理论的"期望-感知"模型方法,提出客户感知价值模型及评价方法。为解决客户感知价值的动态识别、评价方法的随机鲁棒优化问题提供一种新的思路和解决方案。 This paper analyzes the main features of the customer perceived value of the cloud computing service chain. Reference to the table of customer perceived value of the service sector of the Canadian IT industry classification, and gives the evaluation model and evaluation method of customer perceived value in the complex environment of uncertainty cloud services. Then, it analyzes the formation process of the customer perceived value, and presents the customer perceived value model and evaluation method by using the SERVQUAL theory. The method provides a new solution to solve the problem of the dynamic identification of the customer perceived value and the robust optimization problem of evaluation methods.
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2013年第1期52-55,共4页 Computer & Digital Engineering
基金 2012年度海南省自然科学基金立项项目(编号:612121) 2010年海口市重点科技项目(编号:2010071)的资助
关键词 客户感知价值 SERVQUAL评价模型 动态定价策略 免疫优化算法 customer-oriented perceived value, SERVQUAL evaluation model, dynamic pricing strategy, immune-based optimization calculation
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