

A System Design and Implementation for Realtime Ultrasonic Sequential Images Volume Rendering
摘要 设计并实现了对超声序列图像实时体渲染的可视化系统。该系统能够对目前的二维超声设备进行扩展,利用对视频数据的重采样和预处理得到三维切片体数据,并通过GPU加速达到了对DDR与MINIP光照模型的实时体渲染。阐述系统的设计模块与基于VTK的实现过程,最后通过对实际肝脏超声数据实验结果说明了系统对二维超声数据分析的有效性。 The paper design and implement a system that can volume rendering of ultrasonic sequential images for data visualization real timely. The system expends the function of 2D ultrasonic devices. It gets 3D slices data by preproeessing and resampling the input video data, and then has a realtime rendering of DDR and MINIP light models by equipping the GPU hardware acceleration. The paper represents the system modules and algorithms used for volume rendering and the implementation based on VTK. The experiments based on sequential liver images show that the system gives an effective visualization and analysis for ultrasonic 2D images.
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2013年第1期108-110,140,共4页 Computer & Digital Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:61202141)资助
关键词 超声图像 体渲染 三维肝脏图像 ultrasonic image, volume rendering, 3D liver image
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