
祁东县预防艾滋病母婴传播知识调查分析 被引量:2

摘要 目的了解祁东县孕妇对预防艾滋病母婴传播措施的知晓状况。方法采用统一问卷,在书面知情同意、自愿的基础上进行调查分析。结果在本次调查的200名孕妇中,72.5%的孕妇了解艾滋病的传播途径,38.5%的孕妇自愿接受HIV的咨询与检测,68.5%的孕妇不愿与HIV感染者交往。59.5%的孕妇认为结婚、怀孕之前没有必要进行艾滋病咨询,61.5%的孕妇认为结婚、怀孕之前没有必要进行艾滋病检测。75.5%的孕妇是从电视、网络媒体获知艾滋病知识,48.5%的孕妇自愿接受使用安全套。结论祁东县孕妇对艾滋病知识知晓率低,对HIV感染者存在恐惧和歧视。应加强祁东县孕妇艾滋病预防工作,正确使用安全套。采取积极有效的艾滋病健康促进干预措施,产前门诊开展常规HIV检测,提高孕妇HIV自愿咨询检测率。 Objective Known status of Qidong County pregnant women to PMTCT measures. Methods A uniform questionnaire, in a written informed consent, investigation and analysis on a voluntary basis. Results In this survey of 200 pregnant women, 72.5 percent of pregnant women understand the way of the spread of AIDS, 38.5 percent of pregnant women, acceptance of HIV voluntary counseling and testing, 68.5 percent of pregnant women do not want to interact with HIV infection. 59.5% of pregnant women that get married, there is no need for AIDS counseling before pregnancy, 61.5% of pregnant women believe that marriage, no need for H1V testing before pregnancy. 75.5% of pregnant women are informed of AIDS knowledge from TV, online media, 48.5% of pregnant women voluntarily accept the use of condoms. Conclusion Qidong County, pregnant women, AIDS awareness, fear and discrimination of HIV infection exist. Qidong County, pregnant women, AIDS prevention should be strengthened, and the proper use of condoms. Take positive and effective AIDS health-promoting interventions, antenatal clinics and routine HIV testing to pregnant women, HIV voluntary counseling and testing rates.
作者 付兰
出处 《当代医学》 2013年第3期161-162,共2页 Contemporary Medicine
关键词 孕妇 艾滋病 母婴传播 Pregnant women AIDS Mother to child transmission
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