目的探讨超声造影技术在脾局灶性病变诊断中的价值。方法采用超声造影剂SonoVue对27例脾局灶性实质性病变进行超声造影检查(良性病灶18例,恶性病灶9例),实时动态地观察病灶的增强方式与增强时相。结果 (1)脾良、恶性病灶均以低增强为主。良、恶性病灶均以整体增强为主。(2)恶性病灶造影剂开始减退时间较良性病灶快,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(3)常规超声与超声造影鉴别脾局灶性病变良恶性的敏感性、特异性、准确性、阳性及阴性预测值比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论超声造影有助于提高对脾局灶性病变的诊断准确性。
Objective To analyze the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in diagnosis of splenic focal lesions. Methods The ultrasonic characteristics of conventional ultrasound and CEUS in 27 patients with splenic focal lesions( 18 cases with benign tumor~ 9 cases with malignant tumor). All patients were finally proved with pathological and clinical diagnosis. The enhancement level, enhancement modality and the different enhancement time were observed. Results (1)The splenic focal lesions mainly was iso-enhancement. The contrast media extincted more quickly in malignant lesions than in benign ones. (2)The enhancement pattern was similar between the two groups. The initial decreasing time of the malignant lesions was earlier than that of the benign ones(P〈0.05). (3)Identification of conventional ultrasound and ultrasound contrast benign and malignant splenic focal lesions the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive and negative predictive value was significant difference (P〈0.05). Conclusion Contrast-enhanced ultrasound is helpful to improve the diagnostic accuracy of splenic focal lesions.
Contemporary Medicine
Splenic focal lesions
Contrast agent