
转型期农村基层治理变革的宪政内涵 被引量:2

Constitutional Connotation of Rural Grass-roots Governance Reform in the Transition Period
摘要 市场经济的发展使得农民的民主、法治、权利和平等的思想与观念逐渐增强,农村基层治理模式和民主政治体制面临着变革和调整的重任。宪政是人类政治文明的结晶,是最能实现人类民主、法治和人权的政治制度。应遵循宪政化的基层治理制度,坚守宪政化的基层治理立场,形构宪政化的基层治理思维,构建宪政化的基层治理模式,导入宪政化的基层治理文化,遵守宪政化的基层治理原则,搭建宪政化的基层治理秩序,塑造宪政化的基层治理农民,培育宪政化的基层治理组织。 Development of market economy makes the peasants'democratic, law rule, thoughts and ideas of rights and equality in- creases gradually, rural grassroots governance and democratic political system are faced with reform and adjustment. Constitutionalism is the crystallization of human political civilization, and is the political system to realize mostly democ- racy, law rule and human rights. We should follow the grassroots governance system, stick to grassroots governance posi- tion, format grassroots governance thinking, construct grassroots governance model, introduce grassroots governance cul- ture, abide by grassroots governance principles, structure grassroots governance order, shape grassroots governance farmers and cultivate grassroots governance organizations of constitutionalism.
作者 彭澎
出处 《湖南财政经济学院学报》 2013年第1期9-17,共9页 Journal of Hunan University of Finance and Economics
基金 全国党校系统2012年重点调研课题"创新农村社会管理促进基层群众性自治制度发展的理论与实践研究"(项目编号:11YBB367)阶段研究成果之一
关键词 农村经济社会 农村基层治理 宪政化 转型 rural economic and social rural grassroots governance constitutionalism transformation
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