
社会责任与企业经营绩效研究——来自PE支持企业的数据 被引量:4

Research on Social Responsibility and Enterprise Performance——The Data from PE Backed Enterprise
摘要 以92家中小板私募股权投资基金支持企业为样本,研究了私募股权投资基金支持企业社会责任提高是否会改善公司经营绩效,结果表明:提高政府、企业管理层、债权人的社会责任有利于改善企业经营绩效,而提高企业员工、供应商、客户以及社会普通公众的社会责任与改善企业经营绩效无关。企业根据自身性质与发展阶段,应逐步推行员工持股计划;加大市场秩序建设,保护供应商的利益;加大对客户与社区利益保护的法律、法规建设。 Taking 92 private equity backed enterprises in small and medium - sized plate as sample, this paper researches whether improvement of PE backed enterprise's social responsibility can improve enterprise performance. The result shows that im- provement of government, corporate management, creditor's social responsibility can improve enterprise performance, but improvement of enterprise employees, suppliers, customers and general public's social responsibility can not im- prove enterprise performance. According to their own eharacteristics and stage of development, enterprises should carry out ESOP gradually; increase market order to protect the interests of suppliers ; increase laws and regulations construc- tion to protect customer and community's interests.
出处 《湖南财政经济学院学报》 2013年第1期144-149,共6页 Journal of Hunan University of Finance and Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"基于合伙制组织模式下的私募股权投资基金激励机制研究"(项目编号:09YJA630098)阶段研究成果之一
关键词 社会责任 企业绩效 私募股权投资基金 social responsibility enterprise performance private equity
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