
中国动物园鸟类寄生虫感染现状调查 被引量:3

Status Investigation of Parasitic Infections of Birds in Chinese Zoos
摘要 寄生虫是对动物园鸟类危害较严重的一类疾病。本文对1978~2012年中国动物园行业相关文献资料中所有关于鸟类寄生虫感染的部分进行了调查和统计。结果显示包括鹤形目、鹳形目、鸡形目、雁形目、隼形目、鹦形目、雀形目、鸵形目、鹈形目、楔翼总目等总目共10目70种鸟类有感染记录,包括原虫、吸虫、绦虫、线虫类和节肢动物共25种寄生虫。通过分析发现,动物园鸟类寄生虫感染的发生规律和寄生虫与鸟类的自身特性、所在动物园的气候以及人为干扰等因素都有一定关系,符合寄生虫流行病学的规律。同时对以后的防治工作提出做好日常检查、加强饲养管理与防疫措施等建议。 Parasites are a serious affliction of birds held captive in zoos.We reviewed literature describing bird parasite infestations in Chinese zoos from 1978 to 2012 and made statistical comparisons of our findings.We located records of parasite infestations for 70 species of birds of 10 orders,Gruiformes,Ciconiiformes,Galliformes,Anseriformes,Falconiformes, Psittaciformes,Passeriformes,Struthioniformes,Pelecaniformes,and Sphenisciformes.Reported parasites represented 25 species,including protozoans,flukes,tapeworms,nematodes and arthropods.Characteristics of parasitic infestations were related to the characteristics of parasites and birds,the climate of zoos,and anthropogenic factors.This conformed with principles of parasite epidemiology.We offer suggestions for prevention and control of parasites,including routine checks and strengthening the management and anti - epidemic measures.
出处 《野生动物》 2013年第1期50-56,共7页
关键词 动物园 鸟类 寄生虫 现状调查 Zoo Birds Parasite Status investigation
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