目的探讨护理风险预防监控管理模式在机械通气患者护理管理中的应用。方法重点加强机械通气患者预防监控预控点的做法,分析总结2006年1月至2008年12月行机械通气1127例患者在护理管理中发生非计划意外拔管、重新置管进行比较。结果在行机械通气时非计划意外拔管、重新置管患者比较中,非计划意外拔管2006年占11.4%、2007年占7.5%、2008年占1.5%。重新置管2006年占7%、2007年占4.8%、2008年占0.7%。结论 2008年实施护理风险预防监控管理模式后有效降低机械通气患者的非计划意外拔管,减少再次插管给患者造成的痛苦,保证了患者安全治疗环境并提高了患者、医生、家属的满意度。
Objective To investigate the appiying of nursing risk prevention monitoring management model for patients with mechanical ventilarion.Methods Focused on strengthening the modus operandi of prevention monitoring pre-control point in patient with mechanical ventilation.Analyzed and summarized comparison of unplanned extubation and re-intubation in nursing management of 1127patients with mechanical ventilation from January in 2006 to December in 2008.Results In comparison of unplanned extubaton and re-intubation patients with mechanical ventilation,the fprmer was 11.4%in 2006,7.5% in 20071.5% in 2008vs.,the latter was 7% in 2006,4.8% in 2007,0.7% in 2008,Conclusions Applying of nursing risk prevention monitoring management model for patients with mechanical ventilation in 2009 reduced the rate of unplanned extubation in patients with mechanical ventilation,alleviated the suffering of patients wither-intubation,ensured the safe therapeutic environment of patients,and improved the degree of satisfaction in family members of patients with a doctor.
Guide of China Medicine
Prevention monitoring
Management model
Nursing risk
Mechanical ventilation