
青岛市召开调整部分行政区划动员会议 动员部署部分行政区划调整工作

Qingdao Adjusts Administrative Divisions according to Approvals from the State Council
摘要 日前,经国务院批准,山东省政府决定对青岛市部分行政区划实施调整。12月1日,青岛市召开调整部分行政区划动员会议。中共山东省委常委、青岛市委书记李群出席会议并讲话。中共青岛市委副书记、市长张新起主持会议并宣读了《省政府关于调整青岛市部分行政区划的通知》。市人大常委会主任王文华、市政协主席王书坚出席会议。中共青岛市委副书记王伟通报了《市委市政府关于调整部分行政区划的实施意见》。这次青岛市部分行政区划调整的主要内容是:撤销青岛市市北区、四方区,设立新的青岛市市北区,以原市北区、四方区的行政区域为新的市北区的行政区域。撤销青岛市黄岛区、县级胶南市,设立新的青岛市黄岛区,以原青岛市黄岛区、县级胶南市的行政区域为新的黄岛区的行政区域。 Recently, the State Council of China has released the document entitle The Written Rely on Agreeing Shandong Province to Adjust the Administrative Divisions of Qingdao City. According to this reply, Shandong Provincial Government has issued The Notice on Adjusting Part of the Administrative Divisions of Qingdao City, which decides to implement adjustment of part of the administrative divisions of Qingdao. In accordance with the reply of the State Council of China, Shibei District and Sifang District are repealed. A new Shibei District will be established, which will take the administrative territories of the former Shibei District and Sifang District as its administrative territory. The government of the new Shibei District will be located at No. 80, Yanji Road, Dunhualu Street. Huangdao District and county-level Jiaonan City are repealed. A new Huangdao District will be established, which will take the administrative territories of the former Huangdao District and Jiaonan City as its administrative territory. The government of the new Huangdao District will be located at No. 181, Shenzhen Road, Yinzhu Street. The Reply points out that establishment of new governmental institutions should follow the principles of "simple, uniform and high efficiency." The boundaries of the new administrative divisions should be surveyed according to the relevant national regulations and laws concerning territory administration. In The Notice on Adjusting Part of the Administrative Divisions of Qingdao City, Shandong Provincial Government requires that administrative division management should follow the principles of "simple, uniform and high efficiency" to do the re-organization work of the new Shibei District and Huangdao District well. The regulation and polices concerning national territory management should be strictly obeyed.
出处 《走向世界》 2012年第35期16-19,共4页 Openings








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