
试论通过融合式适应体育教学改善智障学生的体适能 被引量:5

On the Improvement of Mentally Retarded Students' Health-Related Physical Fitness Through Inclusive Adapted Physical Education
摘要 智力障碍学生身心的特殊性导致其体适能状况不良,如何改善智障学生的体适能就成了特殊体育教学所关心的问题。融合式适应体育教学则为如何在保障体育教学质量的基础上,最大限度地促进智障学生与普通学生交流,回归主流社会,促进智障学生健全人格的发展,改变健全学生对智障学生的态度提供了值得借鉴的经验。尽管融合式适应体育教学在我国从理念到最终实施会遇到很多问题,而且是一个比较慢长的过程,但是,随着残疾人权益保障制度的不断完善,促进残疾人士与普通人士融合的体育教育一定会不断发展。 Mentally retarded students' mental and physical features lead to their bad health-related physical fitness, and how to improve their health-related physical fitness is concerned over by physical education for men- tally retarded students. Inclusive adapted physical education provides valuable experience for China in ensuring the quality of physical education for mentally retarded students, facilitating to a maximum the exchanges between mentally retarded students and able-bodied students, helping mentally retarded students return to the mainstream society, promoting the healthy development of their personality, and changing able-bodied students' attitudes to- wards them. Honestly, it takes people a long time to accept the concept of inclusive adapted physical education, and its implementation will encounter many problems, but with the gradual improvement of the system for the pro- tection of disabled persons' rights and interests, inclusive adapted physical education will definitely be developed in China.
作者 尹博 陈阳
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期37-41,共5页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划2012年度课题教育部青年项目"智力障碍学生健康体适能及其相关因素的研究"(项目编号:ELA120408)阶段研究成果
关键词 融合式适应体育 智力障碍 体育教学 体适能 inclusive adapted physical education mental retardation physical education health-related physical fitness
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