
青少年人格五因素对其学校人际关系质量的影响 被引量:10

The Effect of Adolescents' Five-Factor Personality on Their Interpersonal Relationships at School
摘要 本研究对六城市共2183名中学生进行调查,考察青少年人格五因素对其学校人际关系质量(友谊质量和师生关系)的影响,结果发现:(1)人格五因素与友谊质量、师生关系各维度显著相关;(2)控制性别和年级后,友谊质量各积极维度(信任与支持、陪伴与娱乐、亲密袒露与交流、肯定价值)的最强预测因子分别是宜人性、外向性、开放性,师生关系各积极维度最强预测因子均是谨慎性,情绪性是友谊质量和师生关系消极维度的最强预测因子;(3)不同人格类型个体的学校人际关系质量不同。 This study aims to probe into the effect of adolescents' five-factor personality on their interpersonal relationships at school, by surveying 2183 secondary school students from 6 cities. The results show the following: (1) The five-factor personality is significantly correlated with different dimensions of friendship quality and the teacher-student relationship. (2) Gender and grades put under control, agreeableness, extraversion, and openness are the strongest predictors of positive dimensions of friendship quality (trust and support; companion and entertainment, intimate disclosure and communication; appreciation and value); conscientiousness emerges as the strongest predictor of positive dimensions of the teacher-student relationship; emotionality is the strongest predictor of negative dimensions of friendship quality and the teacher-student relationship; and (3) individuals of different personality prototypes show different levels of quality of interpersonal relationship at school.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期68-72,共5页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 青少年人格五因素 人格类型 学校人际关系 adolescents' five-factor personality personality prototype interpersonal relationships at school
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