The present study used a dual task paradigm to investigate the relationship between memory load and individuals'success in deception. More specifically, we created a mock job interview situation where participants were asked to fake their educational experiences in order to meet the stated requirements in the job description. We interviewed participants twice with exactly the same questions. Half of the questions asked participants information about their non-existent educational experience, whereas the control questions asked participants about their actual educational experience. To examine the inffluenee of working memory load on deception, we randomly assigned participants to one of the four conditions. In the Double-Double Condition, we required the participants to answer interview questions in the first and second interview while performing an irrelevant but working - memory demanding cognitive task. The task required participants to press the appropriate button when they saw a certain color on a computer monitor. In the Double-Single Condition, participants were only asked to perform the cognitive task while being questioned in the first interview but not in the second interview. In the Single-Double Condition, participants only performed the cognitive task during the second interview but not the first interview. In the Single-Single Condition, participants were questioned without performing the cognitive task in both interviews. We hypothesized that for the control true experience questions, working memory load should have limited impact on participants'accurate retrieval from their biographical memory the intormation about their actual educational experience and thus their answers to the same questions in the two interviews should be highly consistent. By eontrast, the workingmemory demanding cognitive task should affect participants" consistencies in their answers to the same questions about the non-existent educational experiences and thus their answers in the two interviews should be more likely to contradict each other. This negative effect should be more pronouneed in the Double-Double Condition than in the Double-Single or Single- Double Conditions. Consistent with our hypothesis, ANOVAs revealed that partieipants" consistency scores for the true educatiou experience questions were significantly higher than those for the non-existent educational experience questions in all fonr conditions (ps 〈. 001 ). Further, the eonsistency scores for answering the false educational experience questions were also different across the four conditions (p 〈. 0001 ). The post hoe showed that the Double-Double Condition had a significantly lower mean consistency score than that in each of the other three conditions (p =. 016,p =. 001 ,p =. 003, respectively). The other three conditions did not differ from each other in terms of the mean consistency scores. Thns, the Double-Double procedure is the best procedure for detecting deception in job seekers who fabricate their educational or work experiences.
Journal of Psychological Science
dual task, memory, actual education experience, false education experience