
DCP、AFP-L3和AFP在原发性肝细胞癌诊断中的价值 被引量:8

Diagnostic Value of Des-gamma Carboxyprothrombin(DCP),Lectin-bound AFP(AFP-L3) and Alpha-fetoprotein(AFP) Expression in Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma
摘要 目的:探讨血清中脱γ一羧基凝血酶原(DCP)、甲胎蛋白异质体(AFP-L3)和甲胎蛋白(AFP)对原发性肝细胞癌(PHC)单独和联合诊断的意义,为PHC诊治提供一种新方法,以及对高危人群作筛选。方法:采集53例PHC、51例肝硬化、60例慢性肝炎和52例健康对照者的血清分别检测DCP、AFP-L3和AFP,并对其统计分析。结果:PHC患者的DCP、AFP-L3和AFP均显著高于肝硬化、慢性肝炎和健康对照者,DCP、AFP-L3和AFP在PHC组中的灵敏度分别为77.36%、69.8 1%和60.38%,特异性分别为89.57%、88.34%和77.91%。三者联检时,其诊断的敏感度可提高至94.34%。结论:DCP对PHC诊断具有较好的敏感度和特异性,联检DCP、AFP-L3和AFP可有效提高PHC尤其是AFP阴性PHC的诊断效率,对PHC的早期诊治具有一定指导意义。 Objective To observe the alone and joint diagnostic value of des-gamma carboxyprothrombin (DCP), lectin-bound AFP(AFP-L3) and alpha-fetoprotein(AFP) in primary hepatocellular carcinoma, and provide a novel method for diagnosis for PHC and screening for high risk population. Methods The levels of serum DCP, AFP-L3 and AFP were measured in 53 patients with hepa- toceUular carcinoma, $1 cases of cirrhosis, 60 cases of chronic hepatitis, 52 normal healthy subjects established as control group, and analyse the result statistically. Results The levels of serum DCP,AFP-L3 and AFP were significantly higher in the hepatocellular carcinoma than those in other groups. The diagnostic sensitivities of DCP, AFP-L3 and AFP to hepatocellular carcinoma were 77.36%, 69.81% and 60.38% respectively, the specificity were 89.57%, 88.34% and 77.91%, individually. The joint detection could improve sensitivity up to 94.34%. Conclusion DCP was a high sensitivity and specificity marker for diagnosis of PHC. The combined assay of serum tumor markers possess more value in the diagnosis of PHC, especially in AFP negative patients.
出处 《放射免疫学杂志》 CAS 2013年第1期75-78,共4页 Journal of Radioimmanology
关键词 原发性肝细胞癌 甲胎蛋白 脱γ一羧基凝血酶原 甲胎蛋白异质体 primary hepatocellular carcinoma ( PHC), alpha-fetoprotein ( AFP), des-gamma carboxyprothrombin ( DCP), alpha-fetoprotein variant( AFP-L3 )
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