目的了解云南省与缅甸接壤边境地区,人群口服脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)减毒活疫苗(OralPoliom yelitis Attenuated Live Vaccine,OPV)接种情况,监测脊灰病毒(Poliovirus,PV)流行情况,为维持无脊灰提供参考。方法 在与缅甸接壤的边境6个设区的市(州)中,随机选择保山市、德宏傣族景颇族自治州、临沧市,每个市(州)选择3个县,采用容量比例概率抽样方法 ,对适龄儿童开展OPV接种率调查,采集健康儿童粪便标本和外环境水样标本,开展PV监测。结果 3个县适龄儿童OPV常规免疫和加强免疫接种率均>95%,在健康人群和外环境中未发现脊灰野病毒和疫苗衍生脊灰病毒。结论云南省与缅甸接壤边境地区目前仍维持无脊灰状态,应继续加强脊灰监测和OPV免疫。
Objectiv To understand the coverage of oral poliomyelitis attenuated live vaccine among the people who live in the border region between Myanmar and Yunnan province of China, surveillance poliovirus (PV)prevalence characteristic, and to provide scientific evidences for maintain polio free in border areas. Method Select three districts from six border districts in Yunnan, then choose three counties from each district and conducted coverage survey of OPV among the children by probability proportional to size sampling, sample specimens from healthy children and environmental water to surveillance PV. Result The coverage of OPV routine and supplementary immunization was high in all three counties, we did not find wild PV and vaccine-derived PV among healthy children and in environment water. Conclusion It is still maintain polio free, and it is necessary to strengthen poliomyelitis surveillance and OPV immunization in the border region between Myanmar and Yunnan province of China.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization