

Adequate Antimicrobial Therapy Reduces Staphyloccocus Aureus Bacteremia Related Mortality
摘要 目的:探讨金黄色葡萄球菌血流感染(Stephyloccocus aureus blood stream infection,SABSI)的临床特征和死亡的危险因素,并对萁抗菌药物治疗进行评估。方法:对2009年1月-2009年12月间北京协和医院47例住院患者发生的117次SABSI进行回顾性分析。计量资料比较采用t检验或秩和检验,计数资料比较采用X^2检验或精确概率检验,预后分析采用单因素及逻辑回归分析。结果:47例SABSI患者年龄59.5±19.7岁,其中男性25例,BSI发生后24hr的APACHE ,11评分16.6±8.4分,SOFA评分7.4±5.8分。47例BSI患者中,MRSA—BSI为26例。MRSA-BSI组年龄(p=0.025).近期侵入性操作史(p=0.006).BSI前接受2种或2种以上抗菌药物治疗(p=0.001)、严重感染/感染性休克发生率(p=0.003),APACHE 11评分《p=0.005)、SOFA评分(p=0.005),BSI前LOS≥2周(p=0.014)、收入ICU治疗(p〈0.001)等指标均最著高于MSSA-BS1组。所有患者中,菌血症相关病死率为:42.6%(20、47).住院病死率为:51.1%(24/47)。MRSA-BSI患者的菌血症相关病死率及住院病死率均离于MSSA—BS1缀,转别为[57.7%(15/26)vs23.8%(5/21),p=0.020].[65.4%《17/26)vs33.3%(7/21),p=0.029]。Logistic回归分析显示。SOFA评分(OR=1.7,95%CI:1.27-2.23,P〈0.001).非早期正确抗菌药物治疗(OR=14.6.95%CI:1.04-205.20,p=0.047]是影响患者菌症相关性死亡的独立危险因素。仅SOFA评分(OR=2.3.95%CI:1.3-4.02,P=0.004)是影响患者住院预后的独立危险因素。结论:MRSA-BSI患者病情重,病死率离。器官功能受损的严重程度(SOFA评分)与患者预后呈正相关。早期正确抗菌药物治疗可降低菌血症相关病死率。 Objective: Analyzing the clinical characters and risk factors related mortality in staphyloccocus aureus blood stream infection ( SABSI ) patients, in order to improve their outcome. Methods: The retrospective analysis was conducted in Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 117 SABSIs happened in 47 patients in admission were involved fi'om Jan to Dec in 2009. Results: There were 25 males in 47 patients. Mean age was 59.5~19.7 years old, APACHE II were 16.6~8.4 and SOFA score were 7.4~5.8 after SABSI in all the patients. There were 26 MRSA and 21 MSSA in 47 SABSI patients. Contrasted with MSSA group, there were more aged patients (p=0.025) , more patients received recent invasive procedures (p=0.006) and _〉2 kinds antibiotics (p=0.001) before BSI, more patients had ≥2 week stay and ever admission to ICU before BSI, higher APACHE II (p=0.005) and SOFA (p=0.005) score after BSI, more sepsis and septic shock patients after BSI in MRSA group. Bacteremia related mortality was 42.6% (20/47) and admission mortality was 51.1% (24/47) in all the patients. Contrasted with MSSA group, MRSA group had higher Bacteremia related mortality [57.7% (15/26) vs 23.8% (5/21) , p=0.020] and admission mortality[65.4% (17/26) vs 33.3% (7/21) , p=0.029]. Inadequate early antimicrobial treaunent (OR=14.6, 95%C1: 1.04-205.20, p=0.047) and SOFA score alter BSI (OR-1.7, 95%C1: 1.27-2.23, P〈0.001 ) was independent risk factor of baeteremia related mortality. Only SOFA score after BSI was independent risk factor of admission mortality. Conclusion: In SABSI, MRSA group were in more serious situation and with higher mortality. Inadequate early antimicrobial treatment was correlated with higher bacteremia related mortality.
出处 《麻醉与监护论坛》 2012年第6期431-435,共5页 Forum of Anesthesia and Monitoring
关键词 金黄色葡萄球菌 菌斑症相关病死率 血流感染 危险因素 早期正确抗菌治疗 Staphyloccocus aureus Bacteremia related mortality Blood stream infection Risk factors Adequate antimicrobial therapy
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