
Redefining Commercial Bus Models in Brazil

Redefining Commercial Bus Models in Brazil
摘要 Currently, Brazilian buses are divided in three categories: city buses, intercity buses and coaches. That categorization results from the understanding that citizens only need to move around urban perimeters. However, the current bus models available do not fully meet legal demands or cater for all of society's demands. Rural workers and students that live in rural areas also must be conveyed in buses and minibuses. Municipal and state directives prohibit employers to convey them in improper vehicles, such as trucks. Social demands, on the other hand, can be i[llustrated by federal and state programs that provide vehicles to transport students who dwell in rural settings. Accordingly, this paper proposes a new categorization of bus models available in the Brazilian market, which should account for the unique local operating conditions rural buses face, instead of only considering the type of service they provide. Further, a purpose-built vehicle is suggested i[n order to cater for the needs of rural workers and students. Rural students represent, in average, five million rural school bus riders.
机构地区 Carvalho
出处 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第5期557-573,共17页 土木工程与建筑(英文版)
关键词 Bus models rural matters rural vehicle category. 巴士 模型 巴西 农村地区 商业 定义 城市公交 社会需求
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