
锡盟草地NDVI时空变化与气象因子关系 被引量:2

Analysis on Relationship between the Temporal and Spatial of NDVI Variation and Climate Factors in the Natural Grassland of Xilinguole League
摘要 根据锡林郭勒盟1998—2007年NDVI数据集和18个气象站点的月气温和降水资料,分析了研究区草地植被NDVI值的年际、年内变化特征和不同季节NDVI值的变化特征,以及NDVI值与气温、降水变化的相关性。结果表明:研究区草地植被NDVI值具有相对稳定性,但整体呈下降趋势;春季、夏季和秋季草地植被NDVI值均处于下降过程中,下降趋势由小到大依次为秋季、春季、夏季;气温对植被覆盖状况的影响作用不显著,降水对植被覆盖状况的影响作用显著;植被的生长不仅受当月气象因子的影响,而且受上月气象因子的影响。 According to NDVI data set and data of monthly temperature and rainfall of eighteen meteorological stations from 1998 to 2007 in Xilinguole League,the annual and interannual change characteristics of NDVI and interannual change characteristics of NDVI in different seasons in research area were analyzed as well as the correlation among NDVI,temperature and precipitation.The results show that the grassland vegetation NDVI has relative stability,but the whole situation is declined;in spring,summer and autumn the grassland vegetation NDVI are in the process of decline,declining trend from big to small is autumn,spring and summer;the temperature is not a notable influence factor on vegetation coverage,but rainfall is a notable influence factor on vegetation coverage;the vegetation's growth is not only effected by the meteorological factors in this month,but also effected by meteorological factor of last month.
出处 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第1期88-90,93,共4页 Yellow River
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51269013)
关键词 NDVI 气温 降水 锡林郭勒盟 NDVI temperature rainfall Xilinguole League
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