目的通过对居民伤害死亡流行特征的分析,为采取预防措施提供依据。方法采用Access/DeathReg2005软件和Excel对2011年昆明市居民死因监测数据进行统计、分析。结果 2011年昆明市居民伤害死亡个案3222例,死亡率为60.29/10万,占全人群死亡的9.48%,居全死因谱的第四位。伤害的前五位死因分别为交通事故、意外跌落、自杀、意外中毒和其他伤害,其中男性死亡2298例,死亡率为84.85/10万;女性死亡924例,死亡率为35.06/10万,男性显著高于女性(P<0.05),是女性的2.49倍。不同年龄、性别伤害死亡原因差异较大,儿童组主要死因为溺水、交通事故和意外跌落;青年组以交通事故、自杀和意外中毒为主要死因;中年组以交通事故、意外跌落和自杀为主要死因;老年组以意外跌落、自杀和交通事故为主要死因。城市居民伤害死亡725例,死亡率为33.66/10万,农村人群死亡2497例,死亡率为78.28/10万,是城市的3.44倍。伤害造成潜在减寿损失75196.50人年,前5位减寿顺位为交通事故、意外跌落、自杀、意外中毒和其他伤害,分别占伤害潜在减寿损失的36.85%、12.44%、11.88%、10.65%和6.76%。结论伤害已经成为影响居民生命安全的主要原因,给国家、社会和家庭带来沉重的负担,应根据不同地区、年龄和性别的伤害死亡特点,制订有效的防控策略。
OBJECTIVE Through analysis on epidemic characteristics of the injury death among residents , provide a basis for taking preventive measures. METHODS Using Access/DeathReg 2005 software and Excel to analyse the data of mortality surveillance among residents in Kunming City in 2011. RESULTS There were case 3 222 injury deaths cases totally in Kunming in 2011. The death rate was 60.29/10, accounting for 9.48% of the death toll, on the forth place in the whole death spectrum . The top five among injury death were the traffic accidents, accidental drop, suicide, accidental poisoning and other injuries. Among these male deaths were 2 298 , the mortality rate was 84.85/100 000, Female deaths 924 , the mortality rate was 35.06/100 000.So the male ortality is significantly higher than female (P〈O.05), which is 2.49 times that of women. Different age and sex had their different cause of injury death. Among children drowning,traffic accidents and accident drop were the main cause of the death.For youth group, traffic accident, suicide and accidental poisoning were the main cause of death.For middle-aged group, traffic accidents, accident drop and suicide were the main cause of death. For old accidental drop, suicide and traffic accidents were the main cause of death. Among these death, urban residents were 725 and the death rate was 33.66/100 000, the rural population death 2 497 , the death rate was 78.28/100 000, which is 3.44 times of urban. Injury caused the potential life lost and the loss was 75 196.50 person-years. The top five of life lost were traffic accidents, accident drop, suicide, accidental poisoning and other damage, which accounted for 36.85% , 12.44%, 11.88%, 10.65% and 6.76% of the total loss of potatial of life lost. CONCLUSIONS Injury has been become the main cause of affecting residents'life safety and has been become the heavy burden to our country, society and the family. So a effective prevention and control strategy should be taken according to injury characteristics of death of different region, age and gender.
Chinese Primary Health Care
epidemic characteristics