
考虑自然资源要素投入的城市效率评价研究——以长三角地区为例 被引量:17

A Study on City Efficiency Based on the Resources View: A Case of 16 Cities of Yangtze River Delta
摘要 将城市能源、土地与水3种自然资源要素,与资本和劳动一起构成5要素投入模型,采用长三角16市1999-2010年数据,利用DEA和Malmquist指数方法研究了城市静态效率、要素利用效率和全要素生产率,并将结果与仅含资本、劳动2要素投入模型的结果进行对比,肯定了加入自然资源要素对于城市经济增长各种效率评价的合理性和必要性。实证分析结果表明:①根据5要素模型,1999年以来长三角地区城市效率与全要素生产率的提高,主要是规模效率的贡献,但这种贡献在2003年以后逐渐停滞。因此,今后长三角地区上述效率的提高,必须通过切实转变经济增长方式,更多地依靠结构调整和技术进步,而不是盲目地搞规模扩张;②5要素模型中,16座城市三种静态效率的评价结果较2要素模式更为集中在80%以上的效率区间,这一方面较为客观地反映了长三角地区经济发展比较均衡的现状,另一方面也为未来长三角地区生产力的合理布局提供了重要的参考和依据;③长三角区域5种投入要素都存在不同程度的浪费,其中尤以能源的浪费最为严重;④从动态效率的角度看,由于各个城市在自身规模、产业结构以及技术能力等方面的基础条件不同,因此全要素生产率的变化及其来源存在较大区别。对此各地政府应该有清醒的认识。 This study builds two kinds of city efficiency measurement models, one takes capital and labor as input factors (2-factors model) , another adds land, energy and water to input factors (5-facors model ). Based on the statistical data of Yangtze River Delta from 1999 to 2010, we use the data envelopment analysis method and Malmquist index to compare the city effieieneies, input factors utilization efficiency and the total-factors productivity (TFP) of 16 cities in Yangtze River Delta. The results of comparison indicate it's important to consider the nature resources as input factors when we evaluate city efficiency. The results of this study reveal some facts as follows. ① According to 5-factors model, the scale efficiency is the main contribution to both of the static efficiencies and TFP , but these contributions slumped into stasis from 2003. In order to further improve city effieiencies, it's necessary to change the growth mode from scale expansion to structure adjustment and technology progress. ② In 5-factors evaluation model, the three kinds of city static efficiencies arc more intensive in above 80% evaluation extents. This conclusion indicates the evaluations of 5-faetoes model is much more objective to reflect the current economic development situation of Yangtze River Delta than 2-factors model, while it provides an important reference and basis for the reasonable distribution of Yangtze River Delta's productivity. ③It reveals there are wastes in the use of 5 input factors, and the waste of energy is of most significant. ④ The TFPs and contribution parts vary from city to city with the various basic conditions such as city scale, industry structure, and technology ability. Local governments should pay more attention to these problems.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期143-154,共12页 China Population,Resources and Environment
关键词 自然资源 城市效率 资源利用效率 全要素生产率 DEA模型 MALMQUIST指数 natural resources city efficiency efficiency of factor total factor productivity DEA model Malmquist Index
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