原油溢流到水体后对水体造成污染。研究油污的转化规律对于污染事故评价、污染治理方面有着非常重要的意义。通过对三种不同性质的原油进行的风化和蒸发实验 ,证明三种原油低组分具有很快的蒸发速度 ,4天时间就可蒸发掉90 %以上的原油 ,同时得出了不同原油的蒸发规律。
Petroleum overflowing to water body will contaminate water. Studying the transform rule of pollution is of very significant meaning in evaluation and treatment of pollution accident. Three kinds of petroleum have been evaluated through weathering and evaporation experiments. The experiments show that low carbonide of three kinds of petroleum have high evaporation rate with 90 percent of petroleum evaporated during four days, and the evaporation rule of different petroleum has been found.
Environmental Protection of Oil & Gas Fields