以《2011年版.中国科技期刊引证报告》(核心版)收录的50种生物学类中文核心期刊为统计对象,调查了这些期刊的网站及开放存取(Open Access,OA)现状。结果表明:有38种期刊可以访问网站,占76%;有30种为OA期刊,占60%。OA期刊中,有19种开放论文追溯到创刊年,有26种网上开放全文与印刷版同步,所有OA期刊均可采用PDF格式进行下载。OA期刊的总被引频次和影响因子平均值均大于非OA期刊。可见,生物学类OA期刊的影响力总体高于非OA期刊。
The biological journals included in the Chinese Science and Technology Journal Citation Reports (Core Version) in 2011 was statistic for investigating the websites and open access situations. The results showed that there was 38 kinds of journals webs can visit, occupied 76% of all 50 kinds of journals, and 30 of which was OA journals, occu- pied 60% of all 50 kinds ofjoumals. There were 19 kinds of OA journals' papers opened from started publication until now, the open time of 26 kinds of OA journals' papers at their webs synchronize with the printed ones, and all OA journals' papers can be download in PDF. The mean value of total cites and influence factor of OA jour- nals was higher than that of non-OA journals. It was suggested that the influence of biological OA journals was higher than that of non-OA journals.
Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
biological science and technology periodicals
open access
total cites
influence factor