股指期权自诞生以来便发展迅速,交易量现已跃居世界衍生品市场首位。选取韩国Kospi200股指期权合约、印度S&P CNX Nifty股指期权合约、欧洲Euro Stoxx 50股指期权合约、美国S&P 500股指期权合约、台湾Taiex股指期权合约为案例研究对象,就其合约条款设计予以介绍及总结,试图探讨出一个成功完整的股指期权合约范式,并将其与中国沪深300股指期权交易合约进行对比,进而论证中国合约的合理性及可完善性。
Index option develop quite fast since its birth whose trading volume has grown to the first place ofworld's derivatives market.In this paper, we took the contract of Kospi200Options, S&P CNX Nifty index options, Euro Stoxx 50 index options, S$P 500 index option and Taiex index options as cases to study, introduce and summarize the characteristic of these contracts, trying to conclude a successful as well as integrated index option contract Paradigm.By comparing this paradigm to the Hushen 300 indexoption contract,we can expound and prove the rationality and perfectibility of our country' s contract.
Economic Research Guide