本文以基础数据为依据对全国农业高校 1991-1996年的研究与发展能力进行析评。常年约有万名教工和 15 0 0名研究生从事科技工作 ,6年来共承担课题 1万余个 ,发表论文 6.6万余篇 ,出版专著教材 5 0 0 0余种 ,取得成果 3 5 0 0余项 ,其中有 3 2 0 0项获奖 ,同时还培养了 80 0 0名研究生。 6年中农业高校的整体研究与发展能力有了明显提高 ,但校际间发展很不平衡。目前已形成一批区域骨干院校 ,在专业学科调整上也取得初步成效。同时也指明了存在的缺陷与不足。
The comprehensive scientific and technological capabilities on higher agricultural colleges during the period of 1991-1996 was evaluated based on the basic data related to these fields. There were about 10,000 faculties and 1,500 graduates who engaged scientific work every year. In the period, they undertook more than 13,000 projects, published 66,000 papers and 5,000 monographes or text books and obtained 3,500 achievements, as well as trained 8,000 graduated students. The whole camprehensive scientific and technological capability inhanced remarkably, but it was ouf of balance among them. Recently, a batch of regional backbone colleges were formed. The first success were reaped for the adjustment of speciality and discipline. At the same time, the defect and insufficiency of them were shown.
Higher Agricultural Education
higher agricultural colleges
evaluation of comprebensive scientific and technological capabilities.