随着智能终端技术的发展,越来越多的产品数据需要借助移动终端进行访问。为提高用户体验,通常需要对产品数据进行轻量化处理。文中针对计算机辅助设计产生的图纸进行轻量化技术处理,在分析DWG和SWF文件格式的基础上,将DWF格式转换为适合网络流式传输的SWF格式,并基于Flex和Action Script技术实现了扩展现有的SWF浏览器,使其对流化后的SWF文件具有在线编辑功能。并将实现的组件应用于产品数据轻量化访问系统,从而验证了所提出方案的可行性。
With the development of intelligent terminal technology, more and more data need to be accessed on mobile terminals. Lightweight product data processing is generally needed for better user experience. This article discusses the lightweight technical processing of computer-aided design drawings in DWF format. Based on the analy- sis of the DWG format and SWF files, DWG is converted into SWF format, which is suitable for network streaming. And the existing SWF browser is extended based on Flex and Action Script technology with SWF file online editing function. The components are successfully used in the product data lightweight access system, which verifies the fea- sibility of the proposal.
Electronic Science and Technology