
智能用电小区功能设计与分析 被引量:6

Analysis of Intelligent Power Community Functions Design
摘要 智能用电小区是智能电网用电环节重要组成部分,是实现智能电网信息化、自动化、互动化要求的重要载体,其目的是利用现代通信网络技术,建立一个由住宅小区综合物业管理中心与安防系统、信息服务系统、物业管理系统以及家居智能化组成的"三位一体"住宅小区服务和管理集成系统。内蒙古电力(集团)有限责任公司积极开展智能用电小区的建设试点工作,研究建设智能用电小区的关键技术、运维模式及商业模式等,设计智能小区主要功能包括综合应用平台、电力光纤到户、小区配电自动化、用电信息采集、电动汽车充电设施、智能家居服务、自助用电服务、分布式电源接入与控制等。目标是建设安全、舒适、低碳环保的智能化用电小区,指导用户进行合理用电,调节错峰用电,实现电网与用户之间智能供、用电,为居民提供优质的供电服务和科学的用能决策。 The intelligent power community is an important part of smart grid, it is a main way for power grid to realize informatization, automation, interaction. IMPC actively carry out pilot project of intelligent power community to study the key technology, operation mode and business mode, so that the intelligent power community can be promoted and applied rapidly in Inner Mongolia. Major functions of the community include integrated application platform, fiber to home, community power distribution automation, electric information collection, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, intelligent home famishing service, self-help electric service, distributed power access and control, etc. The goal is to build safe, comfortable, low-carbon green intelligent power community, to guide users utilize power rationally, to regulate peak load shifting, to implement intelligent power application between grid and users, to provide residents good-quality electric service and scientific power utilization strategies.
出处 《内蒙古电力技术》 2012年第6期22-25,共4页 Inner Mongolia Electric Power
关键词 智能电网 智能用电小区 配电自动化 智能家居 分布式电源 intelligent grid intelligent power community low voltage distributionautomation intelligent home furnishing distributed electrical source
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