
Markov转换的随机Lotka-Volterra竞争系统下的市场结构的演进 被引量:1

The evolution of market structures in stochastic Lotka-Volterra competitive system with Markov switching
摘要 避开市场处于均衡态的假设和边际成本等于边际收益的条件,研究了具有Markov转换的Lotka-Volterra随机竞争系统下市场结构的演进.在各种随机因素的干扰下,构成系统的各种产品的数目终将随机的维持在各自市场份额的均衡点附近.在一定条件下证明了市场结构的渐近性. The evolution of random competition market structure in Lotka-Volterra system with Markov switching is investigated regardless of the conditions of the market in equilibrium hypothesis and marginal cost equal to marginal revenue.Under the the circumstances of all kinds of random disturbance,the number of various products in consisting system will be maintained at random to be near to the balance point of respective market share.In addition,the asymptotic property of the market structure is proved under the certain condition.
出处 《黄冈师范学院学报》 2012年第6期5-7,38,共4页 Journal of Huanggang Normal University
基金 陇东学院青年科技创新项目
关键词 LOTKA-VOLTERRA模型 BROWNIAN运动 随机有界 MARKOV链 Lotka-Volterra model Brownian motion stochastic boundedness Markov chain
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