

Overview of the Fate of the Substance in River-Sea Transport System around Taiwan
摘要 台湾河海输运系统宿命研究是一个"从源到汇"的整合性研究计划,包括FATES-KP,FATES-COMMARC和FATES-HYPER 3个独立计划,自2003年启动至今已历时9年,分阶段滚动发展,取得了众多研究成果。该研究计划试图查清在构造活跃的热带季风气候区,并常有台风侵袭的浪控弱潮海岸环境下,沉积物在山区小径流、窄陆架、陆坡及海底峡谷之间的物质分散机制,且随着研究的深入,研究区逐步向南海北部、台湾海峡以及冲绳海槽扩展,在南海"从源到汇"的研究中一枝独秀。通过综述台湾河海输运系统宿命整合研究计划,对其研究方法、内容、取得的成果及遇到的问题进行了简要分析,以期为大陆南海北部"从源到汇"的研究提供借鉴。 The research of the fate of fiver-sea transport system of Taiwan, consisting of three independent pro- jects, FATES-KP, FATES-COMMARC and FATES-HYPER, is an integrated scientific project from a source-to- sink perspective. The three projects have been implemented one after another from 2003. Up to now, it has underg- one nine years and a lot of important results have been obtained. The research intended to investigate the working of a material dispersal system consisting of a small mountainous river, a narrow shelf, and a nearby submarine canyon in a tectonically active setting that is also influenced by the monsoon climate. Along with the advance of the pro- ject, the research area gradually expanded to the north of South China Sea, Taiwan Strait and Okinawa trough. The project takes the lead of source-to-sink research of the South China Sea. This paper reviews the research methods, contents, main achievements and problems during the project in order to provide some helpful suggestions to the source-to-sink research of South China Sea of Mainland.
作者 赵强 修宗祥
出处 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期31-38,共8页 Advances in Earth Science
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目"西沙石岛风成碳酸盐形成演化及其古气候意义"(编号:41106064)和"深水陆坡区碎屑流对海底管道潜在冲击影响的定量研究--以荔湾3-1田为例"(编号:41206058) 国家科技重大专项子课题"南海北部陆坡区地质灾害风险评价预测研究"(编号:211ZX05-001-02)资助
关键词 台湾 河海输运系统 整合研究 从源到汇 Taiwan River-sea transport system Integrated research Source-to-sink.
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