本文指出农业高校发挥科技教育优势发展农村教育 ,目的在于提高农村劳动者素质 ,担负起科教兴国的己任 ,同时为推进农业高校全面实施教育改革引进创新机制。通过对教育对象、教学内容、教育模式、采取的相应对策的论述 ,探索农村教育的发展方向 。
The essay illustrates that agricultural colleges exert scientific techology education and develop country educaion. Its aim is to improve farm labourers' qualifications, undertake the task of promoting the country through scientific technology, and at the same time promote the new mechanism introduced for the advancement of educational innovation implemented in an all-round way in agricultural colleges. The orientation development of country education will be discussed and the system of country education in which agricultural colleges take a lead will gradually come into being by means of the statement of educational subjects, teaching contents, educational models and its corresponding measures.
Higher Agricultural Education