

Image Mimesis and Metaphorical Bearings,Admiration of Sublimity and Respect of Rites——a study of the natural property concept of China's Qinxi Monetary Cast
摘要 秦系铸币实为先秦至明清时历代所沿袭的流通货币,流行观念中秦系铸币的造物思想一直被视为仿物造币、型象天地、奉天承命及行寓外圆;然而经由现象学等的分析发现,崇阳、重礼、通情、致用等才是秦系铸币在由陶石龟贝等实物货币到随机查验的称量货币,再到圆形方孔钱等铢两货币乃至宝文货币的发展中,曾被早已忽略和掩没的思想;当前秦系铸币的这种本原思想经由形神意趣转化,对时下民族金融企业标志设计,走出因囿于流俗观而陷入设计雷同和创新乏力或因背叛而面临不被认可和接受的困境,不无借鉴和启发。 Qin coined money, as a matter of fact, was the currency carried on during the successive dynasties from Pre-Qin period to the Ming and Qing dynasties. As a popular idea, the idea of creation of the Qin coined money has always been regarded as coining money as imitation of natural objects, carving images of the sky and the earth, inheriting orders from heaven and containing behavior in the external harmonies. However, according to the discoveries of phenomenology, admirations of sublimity, respect of rites, em- pathy, practical applications, etc. , has been the thought thread which had been neglected and hidden during the development of Qin coined money from the commodity money of pottery, stone, turtles and shells, etc. , to randomly inspected weighing money, to the haht money such as round-shaped coined money with a square hole in the middle, and then to precious wr;,t^ng money. When the con- cept of natural property of the Qin coined money is transformed in its form, spirit, motivation and aesthetic charm, it will be of great reference and inspiration for the national financial corporate logo design to be delivered from the dilemma of not being recognized or accepted because of betrayal, or because of assimilation or lack of creativeness due to the vulgarity of thought.
作者 周鼎
出处 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期115-119,共5页 Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Social Science
关键词 秦系货币 仿象承喻 崇阳重礼 货币造物 现象学 本原思想 Qln coined money image mimesis and metaphorical bearings admiration of sublimity and respect of rites monetary cre- ation phenomenology natural property concept
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