对常见生活垃圾进行工业分析与热解特性的试验研究表明 :虽然我国 MSW具有高水分、高灰分、低热值特点 ,但只要能注重其干燥过程 ,不投辅助燃料即可维持燃烧。MSW中的有机化合物组份很复杂 ,并且都有较明显的挥发分析出温度区 ;而纸、布或含纤维质较多的废弃物在其相对较宽的温度区的挥发分析出较均匀。温度、物料尺寸及停留时间对热解特性有重要影响 ,实验得到停留时间、热解温度、气化率三者间的最佳关系遵循 (1 )式。
It is shown from the research for the characteristics of the pyrogenenation & the technical analysis about MSW:The complex compositions of the organic matter exist in MSW.Although Chinese MSW have the characteristics,such as higher water,ash and lower heat value,the combustion can keep better without the auxiliary fuel at the better drying.And the separating temperature zone about the volatility of the organic matter is obviously but the other's isn't.The formula(l)can express the optimum relationship among the temperature,the gasify rate and the staying time of the MSW.
Environmental Protection Science