1840年厦门开埠,西方建筑形式与技术开始与本土文化碰撞、融合,形成独具特色的建筑文化。其中,风靡全球的Art Deco,以其挺拔明快、富有装饰性的特征迅速成为该时期厦门新建建筑的主流风格之一。1949年之后中国建筑界与西方隔绝交流30年,但此阶段Art Deco却在厦门独特的社会经济文化环境中继续发展变异,形成独具特色的厦门式折衷地域主义Art Deco风格。本文从厦门主要Art Deco风格建筑入手,对厦门近现代建筑之Art Deco的起源、发展、变异进行研究。
After 1840, Westem architectural forms and Technology collision with the local culture, integration, forming a unique architectural culture. Art Deco, popular around the world, with its upright crisp, rich decorative features, the period is rapidly becoming one of the mainstream style of the new buildings in Xiamn. Xiamen compromise regionalism for the construction industry in China 'after 1949, isolated from the Western exchanges for 30 years, Art Deco, but at this stage in Xiameng unique socio - economic and cultural environment to continue to develop variations, forming a unique Art Deco style. Start from Xia- men Art Deeo - style building, Xiamen, modem architecture Art Deco origins, development, variability study.
Fujian Architecture & Construction