根据《城市道路照明设计标准》CJJ 45-2006,J 627-2006第6.1.9条:"道路照明配电系统的接地形式宜采用TN-S系统或TT系统,金属灯杆及构件、灯具外壳、配电及控制箱屏等的外露可导电部分,应进行保护接地,并应符合国家现行相关标准的要求。"笔者分析了道路照明安全运行的防电击措施,提出其较可行的防护措施———即TT系统。
According to《 Standard for lighting design of urban road) CJJ 45 - 2006, J 627 - 2006 6.1.9 : the ground in the form of road lighting distribution sys- tem TN - S or TT system should be adopted, metal poles and componentsshell lamps, power distribution and control box screen exposed conductive parts should be protected ground, and should be consistent with the current national relevant standards requirements. "the author analyzes the street light safe opera- tion of the protective measures put forward its possible protective TT system.
Fujian Architecture & Construction