本文采用针刺水沟、风池、廉泉、合谷 (治疗组 )与脑组织液静脉点滴 (对照组 )方法治疗假性延髓麻痹所致吞咽障碍 5 7例。根据治疗前后吞咽障碍积分变化 ,观察两种疗法的效果。结果治疗组有效率为 85 .2 % ,对照组有效率为 3 3 .3 % ,经检验 χ2 =1 5 .69,P <0 .0 1 ;将治疗前后的症状积分进行统计学处理 ,两组治疗后分值均有提高 ,但治疗组提高的幅度显著高于对照组 (P <0 .0 1 )。提示针刺治疗在改善假性延髓麻痹所致吞咽障碍方面确实有效。
Of the 57 cases of aphagia due to pseudobulbar paralysis, 27 were treated by acupuncture at the points of Shuigou(DU 26), Fengchi(GB 20), Lianquan(RN 23), and Hegu(LI 4) (the acupuncture group);30 were treated by intravenous instillation of cerebral tissue fluid (the control group). Observation of integral variations of aphagia before and after the treatment showed that the rate of effective cases was 85.2% for the acupuncture grouup and 33.3% for the control group,χ 2=15.69,P<0.01. Statistically processed integrals of the symptoms and signs before and after the treatment revealed improvement in both groups, but obviously better improvement could be seen in the acupuncture group than in the control group (P<0.01). This suggests that acupuncture treatment has definite merits in improving aphagia induced by pseudobulbar paralysis.
Acupuncture Research