
多腔镜多途径联合诊断肺癌的应用 被引量:6

Application of multi-telescope in the combined diagnosis of patients with lung cancer
摘要 目的研究多种呼吸内镜,多种诊断方法联合应用在肺癌诊断中的价值。方法分析确诊肺癌632例。联合内科胸腔镜,荧光支气管镜,超细支气管镜及TBLB,TBNA和经皮肺穿刺技术获取病理组织细胞。结果 632例肺癌中胸水脱落细胞确诊48例(7.6%),荧光气管镜确诊肺癌253例(40%),超细支气管镜确诊35例(5.5%),经支气管针吸活检确诊158例(25%),经皮肺穿刺活检确诊74例(11.7%),胸腔镜确诊32例(5.1%),外科手术确诊28例(4.4%),4例(0.6%)因肺外转移由其它方法确诊。所有检查均未发生大出血及窒息等严重并发症。结论多腔镜多途径联合方法诊断肺癌可以大大提高肺癌诊断的阳性率。 Objective To study the value of multi respiratory endoscopy in the combined diagnosis of patients with lung cancer. Methods 632 lung cancers were retrospectively analyzed. Pathological tissues were obtained by combining medical thoracoscopy, fluores- cence bronchoscopy, ultra-thin bronchoseopy, TBLB, TBNA, and percutaneous lung puncture. Results In 632 lung cancers, we found cancer cells in pleural effusion in 48 cases (7.6%). 253 cases (40%) were confirmed by autofluorescence bronchoscopy. 35 cases (5.5%) were confirmed by ultra-thin bronehoscopy. 158 cases (25%) were confirmed by transbronchial needle aspiration. 74 cases ( 11.7% ) were confirmed by percutaneous pneumocentesis. 32 cases (5.1%) were confirmed by thoracoscopy. 28 cases (4.4%) were confirmed by surgical operation. 4 cases ( 0. 6% ) were confirmed by anther ways because of metastasis. No severe complications were taken place including hemorrhoea and asphyxia. Conclusion The combination of multitelescope with muhipath can improve the positive rate in the diagnosis of patients with lung cancer.
出处 《临床肺科杂志》 2013年第3期402-404,共3页 Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
关键词 支气管镜 胸腔镜 肺癌 肺活检 诊断 bronchoscope thoracoscope lung cancer lung biopsy diagnosis
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