目的了解和掌握攀枝花市基本公共卫生服务人力资源状况,为逐步实现攀枝花市基本公共卫生服务均等化提供依据。方法采用自行设计的调查表对攀枝花市64家从事基本公共卫生服务的医疗机构负责人进行调查,用SPSS for Windows 13.0建立数据库并进行统计分析。结果 64家从事基本公共卫生服务的基层医疗卫生机构共有公共卫生专兼职人员404人,平均6.3人/家,其中21家社区卫生服务中心206人,平均9.8人/家,专职人员30人,平均1.43人/家,具有公共卫生专业学历和公共卫生执业资格的分别为6人和4人;43家乡镇卫生院198人,平均4.6人/家,专职人员156人,平均3.63人/家,具有公共卫生专业学历和公共卫生执业资格的分别为8人和9人。结论攀枝花市基本公共卫生服务机构人员结构有待于改善,应增加公共卫生专业人员数量,提高公共卫生服务人员专业素质。
Objective To understand and grasp the basic public heahh services in Panzhihua City, the status of human re-source of Panzhihaa City,for the progressive realization of equalization of basic public health services provided on the basis of. Methods Using a self-designed questionnaire of Panzhihua engaged in the 64 essential public health services medical institu- tions responsible for investigating, SPSS for Windows 13.0 database was used and statistical analysis was conducted. Results Engaged in the 64 essential public health services primary health care institutions, public health and part-time staff of 404 people, an average of 6.3, one of 21 community health service center 206, an average of 9.8, full-time staff of 30 people, an average of 1.43 ,had specialized in public health education and public health practitioner qualifications were 6 and 4 respectively ;43 town-ship health centers in 198, an average of 4.6, full-time staff of 156 people, an average of 3.63, had specialized in public health education and public health practitioner qualifications were8 and 9 people respectively. Conclusion Panzhihua city basic public health service structure remained to be improved, efforts should be made to improve public health professionals, and strive to im- prove the public health service personnel professional quality.
Chinese Journal of General Practice
Basic public health services
Human resources