
柱前衍生化HPLC法测定注射用氨磷汀的含量 被引量:2

HPLC method using pre-column derivatization for determinating the content of amifostine
摘要 目的建立一种测定注射用氨磷汀含量的HPLC法。方法氨磷汀经氯甲酸芴甲酯(9-fluorenylmethylchloroformate,FMOC-Cl)衍生化后用HPLC法分析。采用Agilent C18柱(150 mm×4.6 mm,5μm)色谱柱,流动相A:乙腈,B:水。0~4 min,A∶B=30∶70;4.1~10 min,A∶B=98∶2,每次进样前再平衡7 min;柱温25℃,流速1 mL/min,检测波长265 nm。外标法计算含量。结果在该色谱条件下,氨磷汀在5~100μg/mL浓度范围内有良好的线性关系(r>0.999,n=6),回收率为97%~103%(n=5),RSD<2.0%(n=5)。最低检测质量浓度为100 ng/mL。样品在6 h内稳定。测得样品含量合格,在90%~110%之间。结论经方法学实验验证,该方法简便、快速、结果准确、可靠、重现性好。 Objective To establish a HPLC method for the determination of amifostine. Methods 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate (FMOC-C1) was used for derivatization. An agilent C,s column (4.6 mm 150 ram, 5 l,m) was adopted as stationary phase. Elution was carried out with acetonitrile (solvent A) and water (solvent B) at a flow-rate of 1 mI./min. Gradient HPLC was used with the solvent ratio changed from 30:70 (for 4 rain) to 98:2 (from 4. 1 rain to 10 min) for solvent A:B, respectively,and the rebalancing time was 7 rain. The detection wavelength was 265 nm and the temperature of column was 25℃. Results Amifostine had a good linearity (r〉0. 999,n = 6) in the range of 5 - 100 μg/mL. The recovery values were between 97% and 103% ,RSD(2. 0% (n = 3). The detection limit value was 100 ng/mL. The samples were stable in 6 hour and qualified between 90% and 110%. Conclusions The method was proved to be accurate, sensitive and reliable.
出处 《复旦学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期60-62,共3页 Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences
基金 复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院院级基金项目(EENT-2010-1F) 上海市浦东新区卫生局卫生科技项目(PW2009D-7) 上海市科学技术委员会医学引导类项目(09411962000)~~
关键词 高效液相色谱法 氨磷汀 注射用氨磷汀 HPLC amifostine amifostine for injection
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