
苯异丙腺苷(R-PIA)抗脉冲噪声所致内耳损伤的实验研究 被引量:1

Protection from impulse noise induced internal ear damage by prior treatment with R N6 phenylisopropyladenosine(R PIA)
摘要 目的 研究在脉冲噪声环境下苯异丙腺苷 (R N 6 phenylisopropyladenosine ,R PIA)对听觉系统损伤的预防和保护作用。方法  6只灰鼠 (chinchillas)在暴露于 10 0个 15 0dBSPL脉冲噪声前 2h在其右耳用药 (R PIA 0 .1mmol/L ,30 μl)。脉冲噪声是模拟M 16来福枪而成。结果 用R PIA药物的右耳在噪声暴露后 ,其暂时性阈移 (TTS)和永久性阈移 (PTS)比仅用生理盐水的左耳少 8~ 13dB。其用药的右耳外、内毛细胞缺失率明显比左耳少 (10 %~ 5 0 %、15 %~ 45 % )。结论 R Objective To study the protection of auditory system from impulse noise damage by prior treatment with R N6 phenylisopropyladenosine(R PIA). Methods This experiment had 6 chinchillas pre treated with R PIA(0.1 mmol/L,30 μl) 2 hours before exposure to 100 impulses at 150 dB peak SPL.These impulses mimicked the waveform of an M 16 rifle fire. Results R PIA attenuated noise induced temporary and permanent threshold shifts(TTS and PTS) by 8~13 dB,as well as missing rate of outer and inner hair cells by 10%~50% and 15%~45% respectively. Conclusion R PIA may be effective in protection of auditory system from impulse noise damage.
作者 刘长春
出处 《中华劳动卫生职业病杂志》 CSCD 2000年第3期134-136,共3页 Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases
关键词 脉冲噪声 苯异丙腺苷 内耳损伤 Organ of Corti Chinchilla Impulse noise R-N 6-phenylisopropyladenosine(R-PIA)
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