
腐植酸的过氧化氢催化氧化特性研究 被引量:1

A Study on the Characteristics of hydrogen peroxide catalytic oxidation of humic acids
摘要 在pH=5、7、8、9四种条件下,分别以色度、UV254、TOC、CODMn为指标,分析过氧化氢氧化腐植酸的氧化效果,确定最佳pH条件,以此pH为基准,进行不加催化剂和分别投加Mn2+、Cu2+、Fe2+、O3四种催化剂条件下的过氧化氢催化氧化特行研究,运用HPLC分析考察了催化氧化前后有机物分子量分布情况。研究结果表明:腐植酸的过氧化氢氧化适于在偏酸性(PH=5)的条件下进行,用过氧化氢单独作为预处理氧化以提高水中腐植酸去除率不佳,但在催化剂的作用下过氧化氢氧化效果有了明显的提高,催化氧化效果O3最好,Fe2+次之,色度、UV254、TOC和CODMn的最大去除率分别达到O3(97.4%、90%、49.6%、18%)和Fe2+(95.5%、87%、46.2%、17%)。HPLC分析结果表明,过氧化氢催化氧化可将腐植酸大分子有机物氧化分解为小分子有机物。 The paper analyzed effects of hydrogen peroxide oxidation of humic acid by chroma, UV254 , TOC, COD~. under the condition of pH = 5, 7, 8, 9, then determined the best conditions of pH, and performed without catalyst and respectively added in Mn2 + , Cu2 + , Fe2 + , 03 four catalyst under conditions of a Study on the Characteristics of hydrogen peroxide catalytic oxidation, the molecular weight before and after oxidation were analyzed by HPLC. The resuhc showed that hydrogen peroxide oxidation of humic acids should be conducted under acidic conditions, single hydrogen peroxide oxidation as a pretreatment were less effective to remove humic acids, but under the action of catalyst and oxidation effects of hydrogO, en peroxide had been improved obviously. Catalytic oxidation effects of 03 was the best, Fe2+ was better, the maximum removal rate of Chroma, UV254, TOC and CODMn were O3 ( 97.4% , 90% , 49.6% , 18% ) and Fe2+ ( 95.5% , 87% , 46.2%, 17% ). The results of HPLC showed that hydrogen peroxide catalytic oxidation resulted in the fragmentation of the macro molecules to smaller ones.
出处 《环境与发展》 2012年第6期151-154,共4页 Environment & Development
关键词 腐植酸 过氧化氢 催化氧化 O3 humic acids hydrogen peroxide catalytic ozonation O3
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